The Cause for Concern is closed | Mae'r Testun Pryder ar gau

The Cause for Concern is closed.

If you have an urgent concern and the student needs support, e-mail We will contact the student.

If you have an urgent or immediate concern about a Cardiff Met student over the holiday period please contact:

  • In an emergency please telephone 999 and report your concerns
  • If the situation is urgent and you need advice around a medical or mental health issue please ring 111
  • If the student needs medical treatment or support with their mental health between 9am-5pm week days, please refer them to their GP. Students can register with a local GP online by following this link – Cardiff GP Registration Online

If you are concerned that a student may be at risk or unsafe out of hours please pass contact one of the organisations below:

  • Hopeline – 0800 068 41 41
  • CALL (Cardiff) – 0800 132 737 or text 81066


Mae'r Testun Pryder ar gau.

Os oes gennych fyfyriwr sydd angen cymorth, e-bostiwch Byddwn yn cysylltu â'r myfyriwr.

Os ydych yn poeni am fyfyriwr Met Caerdydd, cysylltwch â:

  • mewn argyfwng ffoniwch 999 a rhoi gwybod am eich pryderon
  • os yw'r sefyllfa'n un brys a bod angen cyngor arnoch ynghylch mater meddygol neu iechyd meddwl, ffoniwch 111
  • os oes angen triniaeth feddygol neu gymorth ar y myfyriwr gyda'u hiechyd meddwl rhwng 9yb a 5pyp yn ystod yr wythnos, atgyfeiriwch nhw at eu Meddyg Teulu. Gall myfyrwyr gofrestru gyda Meddyg Teulu lleol ar-lein trwy ddilyn y ddolen hon – Cofrestru gyda Meddyg Teulu yng Nghaerdydd Ar-lein

Os ydych yn pryderu y gallai myfyriwr fod mewn perygl neu’n anniogel y tu allan i oriau, cysylltwch ag un o’r sefydliadau isod:

  • Hopeline – 0800 068 41 41
  • CALL (Caerdydd) – 0800 132 737 neu anfonwch neges destun at 81066